The World from Coos Bay, Oregon (2024)

ATA STAR CLAY R. POLLAN-By ARIES LIBRA MAR. 21 4 Your According Daily to Activity the Guide Stars. 4 SEPT. OCT.

23 at APR. 19 22 20-21-31-43 To develop message for Sunday, 2-32-44-63 51-61-79-84 read words corresponding to numbers TAURUS 1 of Do your Zodiac 31 birth What sign. 61 Due SCORPIO A APR. 20 2 Good 32 Chance 62 Improve OCT. 23 MAY 20 3 Go 33 Hear 63 Profit NOY.

21 4 Get 34 Watch 64 News 22 11-13-25-37 5 Adopt 35 That 65 Through 7-12-24-346 6 Promises 36 Writing 66 Rushing 145-57-78 GEMINI Possible 37 17 Ends SAGITTARIUS MAY 21 8 Easy 38 Diplomatic 68 Nothing NO7. 22 9 Let 39 And 69 Them JUNE 20 10 Expect 40 Repair 70 Co-workers DEC. 21 4- 6-19-361 11 Your. 41 Your 71 For 5-15-23-35 12 13 Ideas Accidents 43 42 Doy You 72 73 Ideas What 47-56-67 CANCER 14 Be 44 To 74 Progress CAPRICORN ME 9. JUNE 15 A 45 Traffic 75 From JULY 22 17 16 Watch Something 47 46 Serves Response 76 77 Smile Environs JAN.

19 14-26-38-49 18 Where 48 Take 78 Carefully 17-18-27-28 59-60-70 19 In 49 In 79 To 39-73-82-87 LEO 20 You 50 81 Of AQUARIUS And 80 For 21 Get 51 Want 23 22 To 52 Pleasant 82 You JAN. 20 03 AUG. 22 23 Plan 53 Others 83 And FEB. 18 24 Today 54 Do 84 Favors 1-16-29-40 25 Receive 55 The 85 9-53 50-62-76 26 Kmd 56 Your 86 Associates 154-55-66 VIRGO 27 You 57 Signals 87 Spend PISCES AUG. 23 28 Walk 58 Express 88 Company FED.

19 SEPT. 22 30 Today's 60 With 90 Granted MAR. 201 A 29 To 59 Dealing 89 Proceed 10-22-33-521 Good Adverse )Neutral 130-41-42-714 7- 74-77-83-89 Generosity Is Downfall PHILADELPHIA -Police Friday charged Charles Justice, 37, with being the bandit who held up the Park-a-Karkas Bar. Police said the robber took all the money from the cash register and then, at gun point, ordered the bartender to provide a round of drinks on the house. Impressed at his generosity, several patrons followed the robber to a nearby house.

LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the City of Coos Bay, Oregon has in its custody the following unclaimlost, or abandoned personal property to A A Buick, four door 1959 Cadillac, four door 1946 Dodge, four door 1957 Mercury, two door 1954 Ford, two door SW 1961 Oldsmobile, two HT 1959 Cadillac, four door 1960 Dodge, four door 1960 Ford, four door 1964 Rambler, two door 1955 Chevrolet, station wagon 1957 Ford, four door 1960 Peugeot, four door 1962 Oldsmobile, four door 1955 Chevrolet, four door 1960 Chevrolet, four 1956 Ford, station wagon 1956 Buick, two door HT 1959 Pontiac, two door as listed in a written inventory thereof on file office of the City Recorder of the City of Coos Bay, Oregon reference to which inventory is hereby made for a more particular description, including serial numbers and other marks of identification of said property, and each item thereof, said inventory being available for inspection by the public, and any person presenting satisfactory evidence of ownership, right of possession, or other interest in any item of said personal property, may, prior to 10:00 AM on the 13th day of November, 1971 apply to the undersigned for the return thereof by tendering with said application the reasonable cost of storage and care. Notice is further given that at 10:00 AM on the 13th day of November, 1971 at the Coos Bay Police Department storage area at the Coos Bay City Shop, South Broadway at Coalbank Slough, such of said items of personal property as are then unclaimed shall be sold at public auction to the best and highest bidder for cash, said sales to be without war. ranty of title and subject to such other limitations relative to the conduct of the sale as are prescribed by section 1-10, Coos Bay Ordinances. ROLLIE T. PEAN Chief of Police Coos Bay, Oregon Oct.

30, Nov. 6, 1971. The World SUBSCRIPTION RATES By CARRIER, month: $2.25, pay Junior Dealer. Carrier will collect each month. Any portion of month 10c per copy on any carrier route.

All subscriptions are payable in advance. Carriers start collecting on the 25th of each month. BY MAIL, month: three months: six months: year: $27.00. This is regular "nail, not air mail. We are not set up for air mail delivery.

We must have ZIP CODE NUMBER. Single Copy 10c Bay Area subscribers: If your World fails to arrive by 5:00 p.m. please call our office, 267-2133 and your World will be delivered. As our business office closes at 5:40 p.m., we will be unable to deliver after that hour. Coos Bay Dist.

267-2133. West Coos Bay 267-2133. North Reedsport Bend Dist. Dist. 267-2133.

Bandon on Area: Call The World, 267-2133; Port Orford Carrier Lola House, 332-4282, Gold Beach to Brookings; Assist. Circ. Mgr. Joe Scherer, 247-6938. Coquille, Myrtle Point, Powers: Marie Ide, 396-4493.

Lakeside throw off, Judy Chism, 756-3670; Coos Bay throw off Christine Flett, 267-6259. MEMBER AUDIT BUREAU OF CIRCULATION MISCELLANEOUS UNFINISHED chests, choice of mahogany, oak or fir. Special sizes made to order. Guitars, amplifiers, washer and dryer, 12ft. boats, electric stove, motors, clothes and collectables.

Sunset Supply, Charleston Hwy. Open 9:30 to 5:30 every day cept Thursday. The World, Coos Bay, Saturday, Nov. 6, 1971 PAGE 15 1. Have you been wanting to get rid of that OLD FREEZER in the garage? OLD WASHING MACHINE in the basem*nt? or the OLD COUCH on the back porch? Then dust off your item and turn it into ready cash by selling it with a WANT AD You can place your ad by calling 267-2133 or if you prefer, place your want ad in person by comwing into our office posted at 4TH BENNETT We're open 8:00 a.m, till 5:45 p.m.

Mon. thru Fri. Sat. 8 to 5 p.m, Try our 6-day rate and SAVE! For instance: a 2 line ad-3 times $2.20 For 6 times $2.90 ATTENTION! You folks in REEDSPORT COQUILLE BANDON MYRTLE POINT GOLD BEACH BROOKING-HARBOR and waypoints THE WORLD will accept telephone charges on a 3 line 6 day ad. ($4.35 cost of ad.) WORLD WANT ADS WORK WONDERS Phone: 267-2133 Ask for "want ads" A Courteous, helpful ad taker will be glad to assist you.

HELP WANTED RELIABLE woman to care for three children, one pre-school. My home, references, own transportation. 267-6064 after 6 p.m. full time. Now till.

Christmas. Choice of hours. Minimum of one year residence. Call for appt. Mr.

Van Pelt. 271- 4219. FREE: Rent, lights, water to elderly man. Close-in, no work. Be on place at night.

396-3796. REEDSPORT: needed, must have experience in sawwork. 271-3231. Evenings 271- 3883. mill and repair type machine ACME PERSONNEL Re-locate Sawmill Foreman.

Graveyard, experienced, references. $1,000 month. Rm. 219 Fitzpatrick Bldg. 269-9329 HANDYMAN to manage and maintain rentals.

Write Box The World. WANT to improve the environment? Be a tree planter. Oregon State Forestry 300 5th Bay Park. LAST Call! To join Avon Sales Team in time to earn before Christmas. Write P.

O. Box 651, Coos Bay. 269-1301. REGISTERED professional nurses. Join our world of patient care, rehabilitation is our goal! Write Box DD, Care The World.

HEY KIDS Earn Your Own MONEY! Be a Street Seller For The World Come straight from school and sell till 5:30 p.m. 4th Bennett THE WORLD Notice to Job Applicants: The World newspaper does not knowingly accept Help Wanted Ads from employers covered by the Federal Wage and Hour Law if they pay less than the $1.60 hourly minimum wage for nonfarm employment or if they do not pay time and a half for in excess of 40 hours in a workweek, if required by law. Nor will this newspaper knowingly accept ads from covered employers who discriminate in pay because of sex or accept an ad which discriminates against persons 40-65 years in violation Age Discrimination in Employment Act. Con tact the Wage and Hour Division Office of the U. S.

Department of Labor at 317 The Pioneer Courthouse, 520 SW Morrison Portland, Oregon, 97204 or phone: 226-3361 ext. 1724. STUDENTS, men, women. $1.65 guaranteed. Help busy Fuller Brush manager.

Call 756-5496, 396-2942. PARTS man must have some experience. Apply in person, Gregg Toyota, 777 N. Bayshore Dr. Coos Bay.

AVON GIFTS FOR CHRISTMAS ARE: A joy to give, a joy to receive, an even greater joy to sell. For full information call: 269-1301. SCUPTRESS bras, fashions, organic vitamins. Career opportunities. 756-3603.

SITUATIONS WANTED 7 BACKHOE for hire, $10 hour. 347. 2991. EXPERIENCED yarder engineer, cat driver or truck driver seeks work. 439-2735.

HARD working man and wife would like to clean your home. Experienced and reasonable. 269-9331. CARPENTER, cabinets, remodeling, foundations, no additions, no job too small, guaranteed, estimates free. 756-7220.

888-9206: D8 cat by day or hour, also experienced carpenter work, cabinet building. Eves. IRONING in my home. 267-6032. BUS.

OPPORTUNITIES NEW Oregon company offering most versatile warning detection system available against burg. lary and fire, for dwelling and vehicle. Local distributors needed. Excellent commission. Write Paul Churlin, 11125 N.E.

Sandy, Portland, Oregon 97220. WANTED: Someone to assist in expanding Handcraft mail order business. Requires $250. Write Handcraft, give phone, age, etc. Box 3306, Coos Bay, Oregon 97420.

BUSINESS SERVICES 9 REMODELING and painting, reasonable. Free estimates. 267-3501. CARPET installation. Repairs and free estimates.

Ben, 756-7128. TREE topping and pruning. Shrubs, hedges, spraying and hauling. 756-4748. GRADING, lot leveling, road building, brush clearing, soil tilling.

Free estimates. 396-2093. PAINTING, remodeling, repairs. Floor tile work. Quality work at reasonable prices.

Free estimates. 759-3571. FURNITURE refinishing and repair. All work guaranteed. 347.

2297 Bandon. CUSTOM CABINET WORKS Remodeling of All Kinds Cabinets Millwork Custom Planing Formica NO JOB TOO LARGE OR TOO SMALL 2770 Woodland Drive Coos Bay, 267-6754 TREE trimming. 269-1993 evenings. WILL clean your property and dump, free estimates. 888-4511.

PEANUTS DO MY EYES DECEIVE YOU GOING TO BED WITHOUT YOUR SECURITY BLANKET? BUSINESS SERVICES 9 WANT to build or remodel? Call Ray Ronk 269-1430 for assistance in planning and construction. Free estimates. Financing available. CAT work done of all kinds, free estimates. 396-4510.

RENTAL Rototillers, mowers, trimmers, floor sanders, edgers, rug shampooers, paint sprayers, ditch witch, sewer snakes. Moe's Feed Store, 756-5612. PATCH'S Remodeling Construetion. 267-2335. CLEANING, chimneys, fireplaces.

Power vacuum truck. Cleans any and all heating systems. See our ad under furnaces in yellow pages. Coast Furnace Service. 267-4583.

CONCRETE patios, driveways, walks, plain or decorative. Mike, 756-6105. EXCAVATING crushed rock, fill dirt. top soil, backhoe. 756-4761.

DO you need a trip to the dump or hauling? Joe Szabo, 888-4511. CALL Evan Winn for excavating, clearing. cat work, gravel, fill, top soil, sand. 756-7696. HOUSE raising, leveling and foundation cement work, all kinds.

267-6569. HOME Remodeling: Additions, repair, specialize in cabinets. Free estimates. Les 267-3387. CARPENTRY, roof, cement.

Any size job. Before 8 after 5 p.m. So 2: 688-4222. REPRIGERATION and appliance service. Hansen Electric.

269. 5121. PIANO tuning and complete serv. ice covering the coast. Call piano craftsmen, 267-7991 or 269-5261.

FOR SALE-MISC. 12 NIKON 'F' Photomic camera with 50mm f1.4 and 28mm f2.8 wide angle, $400. Keith Topping 888-3936 after 5. ONE huge dog house, like new condition, $20. 756-3850.

ELNA automatic portable sewing machine. Lessons and guarantee included, $119. Coos Bay Sewing Center, corner Bdwy. and Anderson, 267-4016. CRAWFORD garage door, wooden, 16ft.

One section, windows, good condition, $75. 267-2242. 1970 addition of Encyclopedia Britannica Jr. 888-5218. ELNA Supermatic open arm sewing machine.

Does all the stretch stitches. Lessons and guarantee included, $139. Coos Bay Sewing Center, corner Bdwy. and Anderson, 267-4016. KNITTING machine $35.

Or trade for lawnmower. House $3,500. 267-2080. MOMI Buy him a chain saw at doseout prices. Easy payments at Coos Bay Coast to Coast.

SINGER portable sewing machine, forward and reverse stitch, completely guaranteed, $25. Coos Bay Sewing Center, corner of Bdwy. and Anderson, 267- 4016. ANTIQUE oak desk. Set, two chests, corner desk.

Like new dressmaker's form, coffee table, end table. 759-3546. STAINLESS steel fuel or water tanks. Made to order. 888-4846.

HAZEL'S Antiques reopened in downtown Bandon. Selling most any OLD thing. Also buy or trade. 347-3058. YOUR complete Christmas shopping for the entire family.

For as low as $10 month. No down payment, no payment till 1972. Coos Bay Coast to Coast. AVON bottles, cobalt blue glass, Barbie doll clothes. 267-7506.

CLOSE OUT on fishing tackle, off and more. off on guns and ammo. Harless Marina on the big boomin' Y. SHAKLEE Supervisor: Cleaners, cosmetics, vitamins, baby prodmen's cosmetics. 756-4621.

deliver. MINI Mexico Imports at 2179 Broadway, North Bend. New shipment Mexican imports, leather goods, fringed leather coats, leather hats, pottery, ceramics. SALE TO SETTLE ESTATE Complete machinery for Myrtlewood factory to be sold as a unit. DeWaldt radial arm saw with 3hp motor.

Two jointers with motors. Drill press motor, boring machine and motors, shaper and motor, router and motor. Two large lathes, 36in. planer with 10hp motor. Many power and hand tools included.

$5,000 CASH (Approximately 7,000 ft. Myrtleoptional.) Glen F. Hurst, Rt. 1, Box 95C, Brookings, Ore. 97415.

Phone 469- 2209. METAL detectors, White's, Garrett and Bounty Hunter, $49.95 up. 100. cent financing available. 888-4015.

LAY away any bow, now till Christmas, $5. off all fishing tackle. Ron's Archery Unlimited, 1903 Sherman, 756-7407. BIBLE talking, long play records, $1 each. 267-7851.

U.S. flags, wishing wells, woven rugs and mat. Coarse or garden mulch. Retarded Handicapped Star of Hope Activity Center 756-3451. Also rummage thrift store.

1836 Sherman. PICKUP canopies. New and used. Back of Wards Store, Bandon. 347-3510 eves.

HOUSEHOLD GOODS 13 30in. Tappan range, year old, $75. 888-3189. GE upright vacuum, unconditionally guaranteed, $39.95. EZ Clean Dept.


Saturday and Monday 8 to 7 p.m. Sunday 1 to 6 p.m. 2475 N. 19th, Coos Bay. SUPER three party garage sale: Just moved, lots of real goodies! Friday and Saturday.

9 to 6 p.m. 514 Madison, Empire. CARPORT Sale: Shop equipment, office furniture, clothing and misc. Thursday-Sunday. 2685 N.

15th, Coos Bay. FOUR-party garage sale: only, 9 to 6 p.m. Lots of goodies! 3829 Vista Drive. North Bend. RUMMAGE sale: Saturday, November 6, 9 to 4 Gulch school.

Low, low prices, 50c sackfull after 1 p.m. Sponsored by LDS Relief Society. FLEA Mart, Nov. 7, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Greenacre Grange Hall off Hwy 42, Greenacres Junction. FIVE party garage sale: Friday, Saturday, 10 to 3485 Spruce. North Bend. GARAGE sale: Fiberglass boat, tools, rocking horse, odds and ends. 269 N.

Cammann, Coos Bay. GARAGE Sale: 2585 Union, North Bend. Head skis, clothing, misc. items, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. 9 to 4 p.m.

CAROL'S Knit Shop. 985 Maine, North Bend. 756-5754. LOST AND FOUND 2 LOST: Pregnant, 6, month old gray, tail-less cat. Vicinity Taco Time.

267-2016. FOUND: Box of tools, Port Or. ford area. 888-4375. LOST: On Floras Creek Rd.

Green metal box of artists oils and brushes. Reward! Bring to 925 Jackson Bandon. 347-2648. LOST: Halloween night. Three month black female Poodle.

169 Marple, Coos Bay. Reward! LOST: Curry County licensed Poodie, one year, male, shaggy blonde. Reward for return. 247. 7232, Gold Beach.

PERSONAL EXPECTANT mothers wanting confidential advice and help may phone or write Villa Gerard, Frank Nearing, 312 East 11th Eugene, Ore. 97401 or phone 345-3642. will not be responsibe for any debts other than my own. Signed: Jerry D. Hartwich.

NEW in area? Need food, cloth ing, Call Community Action, 888-3291. PARENTS without partners. 269. 1597. 267-4875.

ANY girl in trouble or in need of counseling call the Salvation Army 888-5202 or 267-6636. All counseling confidential. HOLIDAY House Restaurant, open 7 days a week, 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. Boat Basin Rd.

Fresh foods, delicious steaks, luncheon menu. 888-9212. QUICK cash for 1st, 2nd real estate contracts. Bux 261, Coquille. ARE you sincerely interested in marriage? Social Introduction Service, P.

O. Box 1547, Eugene, Oregon 97401. CARD OF THANKS OUR heartfelt thanks to all who extended comforting sympathy, including School District 13 and Reverend Cochran, and help in our recent sorrow, for the beautiful service, floral offerings and other kindnesses, we are deeply grateful. The Family Of: Char. les H.

Summers. OUR heartfelt thanks to all who extended comforting sympathy and help in our recent sorrow, for the beautiful service, floral offerings and other expressions of kindnesses, we are deeply grateful. Burr family, Denise Jaehnig and family. The Family of: Evelyn M. Burr.

INSTRUCTION PIANO lessons. Don Loftus, Empire-Charleston area. 888-3448. BABY SITTING SA SMALL World Pre School now taking registrations, three through six. Opening date, January 3, 1972.

For information call Eastside Tabernacle, 267- 3986. Mrs. Weyrick, Director. EXPERIENCED babysitting my home. Monday thru Saturday.

888-4743. STATE licensed day nursery, preschool training. Hilda's Kiddie Kastle. 267-6167. HELP WANTED 6 INTERNATIONAL chemical firm commencing operations in area.

Will be recruiting 15 people, some management positions available. Commission, incentive, profit sharing and ment program with some positions available. See Mr. Burke at the Courtel Coos Bay, Wednesday, November 10, 8 p.m. WOMAN to care for elderly lady.

Days or live-in. References preferred. 396-3057 Coquille. HOUSEHOLD GOODS LIKE new Electrolux vacuum cleaner, tools and guarantee included. $44.95.

EZ Clean Dept. Coos Bay Sewing Center, corner Bdwy. and Anderson, 267-4016. THE perfect gift for wife, mother or sweetheart: a KitchenAid dishwasher from Coast to Coast Store, Coos Bay, for as low as month. No down payment, per, payment till 1972.

BARVIEW Used Furniture: Appliances, dressers, beds, misc. All reasonable. 888-9389. LATE model Eureka Princess $19.95. Coos Bay vacuum.

Completely, guaranteed, Sewing Center, corner Bdwy. and Anderson, 267-4016. ROUND oak table, Victrola, oak library table, rattan dining room set, used furniture. Mattress Mart, Empire District. SIMPSON'S Bargain House Buy, sell, trade.

ranges, refrigera tors, washers. dryers, misc. $40 Newmark, Empire. 888-3392. RECONDITIONED freezers, re: frigerators, ranges, dishwashers, washers and dryers.

Johnny's Appliance, 776 S. Second, Coos Bay. 267-6388. Your Whirlpool Appliance and RCA Television Dealer. CASH for good used furniture.

888-3903. MATTRESS and box spring, two pieces, $49.50, Mattress Mart, open 7 days. 609 New- mark. Modern Floors "1st OF THE MONTH" CARPET BARGAINS 12x54.0 running ft. Deep set, nylon shag.

Golden orange. $7.95 sq. yd. installed 12x70 running ft. Commercial, Herculon, tweed High density foam backing Red and Black $7.95 sq.

yd. installed 12x33 running ft. shag. Gold $6.95 sq. yd.

installed 12x58.6 running ft. Hi-Lo loop Orange and gold $8.50 sq. yd. installed 12x18 (24 yds.) Used. Wool rug, Beige.

$50 16.10x26.7 (50 yds.) Used. Nylon rug. Light Brown, $100 We have 1,525 yards of carpeting on hand for immediate installation. The choice is wide The prices are right Modern Floors 269-5156 Downtown Coos Bay TV -RADIO 14 BEAUTIFUL 8-speaker stereo. $10 per month, no payments till 1972.

Coos Bay Coast to Coast Store. USED color and black and white TV's. All reconditioned and guaranteed. Johnny's Appliance TV. 360 Fir, Reedsport.

Your RCA and Whirlpool dealer. ZENITH color TVs at special discount prices. No down payment, no payments till 1972. Coos Bay Coast to Coast. VAN'S TV Licensed technician, reliable, guaranteed repair work.

888-3930. Six day week. USED, color tv's. Portables, table models, consoles, combinations. All reconditioned, all guaranteed.

Financing available. Royal's TV, 2690 Broadway, North Bend, 756-6221, till 7 p.m. PFEIFFER TV Repairs. 924 Bdwy. 8:30 a.m.

to 6 p.m. day to Friday. MILLER'S Two men to give you prompt, efficient service. 756-4293; if no answer call 269. 9602.

EXPERT TV service at Newell's, Your RCA and Philco television dealer. 295 S. Coos Bay 267-2175 or 267-6821. PETS 15 PART German Shorthair -black Labs pups, $5. 269-9630.

AKC black Lab pups, $50, 9 weeks old. 269-5757. FREE: One fuzzy, gray male kitten. 888-9378. GOOD family dog, Peek-a-Poo, female.

756-5994. MIXED Red Tick and Walker hound pups. Reasonable, 7 weeks old. 759-3502. GIVEAWAY, small female dog and all white male puppy.

888-5244. CUTE, healthy kittens to give away. 267-7646. TWO Schipperke male pups, 6 weeks old, $35 each. Eves.

756- 3447. SHARP 1964 Ford 4x4, $50 per month on approved credit. 756- 6166. AKC registered Basset hound, good with children. 269-1409.

AKC silver toy Poodle, white toy Poodle. Siamese cat, $5. 396-2492. WANTED: Male Samoyed for stud. Papers not necessary.

347-2353. GERMAN Shepherd male, 10 months. Black and tan, all shots, $50. 269-1720. WILDWOOD Kennels.

Boarding grooming. 780-8040. PETS POODLE grooming, $2 to $5. 756-6709. AKC Boston Terrier puppies, deposit will hold until Christmas.

Also hand tame and talking co*ckatiels. 396-4576. HUSKI Hause Kennel's offer for sale: Some beautiful little fuzzy critters. AKC Siberian Husky puppies. 756-3845.

HIDDEN Valley Pigeon Lofts. 32 breeds; fancy, utility, flying. 269-5781. PUPPIES, tropical fish, hamsters, mynah birds, canaries, turtles, parakeets, parrots, goldfish, pet supplies. Moe's Feed and Seed, 756-5612.

MUSIC INSTRUMENTS 16 ALTO saxophone, like new, good conaition, $150. 267-7130. UPRIGHT piano $80, Wollensak tape $40, life raft $25. 756-7648. precorder, COMPLETE set of drums.

Best offer. 888-4436. ORGAN I bargain! Large Hammond. Once in a lifetime opportunity. See at Orton Piano 135 S.

3rd. LOWRY organ, beautiful condition, low price, long low easy terms. Orton Piano, 135 S. 3rd. 7-piece Jazz Master drum set, 888- 4983.

FUEL-HEATING 17 WOOD for sale. $15, pickup load. Delivered. 888-3987. ALDER fireplace wood for sale.

18 to 22in. 269-1556. FIREWOOD: Cut to order, delivered, stacked, $20 cord. 269-5420. FIREWOOD: Cord or pickup load, 888-4670.

After 4 p.m. 888-5279. WOOD for sale: Fir or alder. 756-5558. FIR, alder, cut to length, deliv.

ered. 888-9180. POULTRY 18 POA mare and 5 month filly. Good confirmation, reasonable. 267- 3854.

GOOD starter calves and nanny goats. 572-2484. OVERSTOCKEDI. 50 head good quality Hereford cows, pregtested to start calving February. $200 each.

396-2895, 439-2122. BACK in business! Clean 12x12 stalls, $45 month. Wind Valley Stable, Libby Loop. 267-6135. SADDLE horses, all breeds.

396- 4510. GENTLE riding horses, saddles, tack and trailer. Registered Appaloosa gelding, full bay Quarter horse gelding and tandem double horse trailer. 267. 2927.

BABY Holstein calves, week old. 347-2991. 11 year old palomino gelding. 269. 1018.

BEEF, half or whole. Custom cut, wrap, if preferred. 756- 5897. FRED Hayes: Horseshoeing. 267- 7298.

CHOICE weaner pigs. 572-5785. BEEF slaughtered at your ranch. Mobile unit, custom cut and wrap. 396-4671, 396-3559, 396- 4252.

FEED-HAY 18A ALFALFA hay, grass and clover hay, Canary hay. By ton or bale. 267-7561, 572-2723. WILLAMETTE Valley bent grass. 756-5976.

MAHKET BASKET 19 DWARF and Standard fruit trees. Nut and shade trees. Berries, grapes. Free Catalogue. Tualatin Valley Nurseries, Sherwood, Oregon, 97140.

BUILDING MATERIAL 20 BIG SAVINGS at W. J. CONRAD'S Prefinished Panelings Economy, first grade Luan 4x8 panels, 3 shades. $2.97 each Scotty Hardboard Panels 3 patterns, $2.79 2x4 and 2x6's Mixed specie, utility grade $110 per Bd. Ft.

Exterior Shop T-111 Siding grooved 2in. Resawn $5.64 per sheet Rainy Season's Here. 4 mil Black polyfilm 8ft.x100ft, $5.80 per roll 12ft.x100ft. $8.43 per roll W. J.

CONRAD Lumber Company, Inc. 1221 N. BAYSHORE 267-3101 DWAYNE Grading Company Most Completely Equipped DIRT MOVERS In Coos County. NO JOB TOO SMALL OR LARGE From clearing land to building roads. Immediate Service A A Free Estimates A Call Dwayne 396-2093 DWAYNE GRADING CO, YUILDING MATERIAL 20 READY -mix concrete pumper available.

Cottom and Vaughn. 269-9707 after hours, 396-4666. GOOD used 3x12, 4x12 and 12x12 timber. 888-3141 FOR SALE OR TRADE 21 1968 Buick Wildcat, 2dr. Hdtp.

Good condition, 756-3334, 756- 7696. WANTED-MISC. 22 PAY cash for used milking machine vacuum pump. 269-1709. WE buy deer and elk hides.

Marshfield Bargain House, 790 N. Bay. shore Dr. WANTED PORT ORFORD CEDAR BOUGHS and SALAL Kallgren's Evergreens 267-6601 WE buy copper, brass, radiators, etc. North Bav Metal.

754-6103. WANTED: Car bodies, will haul. Wayne's Auto Salvage. 267-6414. HIGHEST cash prices dry cascara bark, scrap iron, copper, tors, batteries, brass, lead, hides.

Marshfield Bargain House, 790 No. Bayshore Dr. 267-2500. AND WANTED TO 23 OLDER couple would like two or three bedroom home or apt. Immediately, Around $150.

726-7727 WANTED: Two bedroom house not over $75 month. 267-7420. TWO working ladies would like two bedroom house. Have references. 888-9223 after 5 p.m.

FOR RENT APTS. 24 THREE bedroom, unfurnished, garage. Near schools, private yard, $135, includes water, garbage, and yard work. 660 Noble. 888-5190.

WANT male roommate. to share expenses and 756-7109. ONE and two bedroom apts. $60- $75 per month. 498 W.

Central, Coquille. 396-4530. CLEAN, modern, three room and bath furnished. Call after 5 p.m. 267-3890.

1031 Howard. FURNISHED one bedroom apt. 759 S. 1st. 267-3501.

TWO bedroom furnished apt. Garage, water furnished. 396-2789. REEDSPORT: Two bedroom fur. nished apt.

Carpeted. 759-3751, 271-3045. LARGE one bedroom apt. Heat, water, garbage, furnished. No children.

888-9119. ONE and two bedroom furnished rooms available with daily maid service. Weekly, monthly rates. Reedsport Motel. 271-3666.

TWO bedroom unfurnished. baths, $115 month. 756-4064. PINE Terrace: Gold Medallion luxury. Three bedroom duplex, carpets, 'all appliances, draperies, private yard, carport, $175.

269-9173. SPACIOUS two bedroom, 8 $100 month. Call Moore 269-9368 756-3986. FURNISHED, clean. Adults, no pets.

Water and garbage, $85. 756-4928. REEDSPORT: Bachelor pad, share furnished new house. Privacy, quiet, $50 month. 271-2037.

SCANDIA Apts. Deluxe two bedroom, $125. Adults only. 756- 4600 after 6 p.m. ONE bedroom, completely carpeted, drapes, kitchen appliances.

756-7301. SEIWALD Apts: 1705 Newmark, two bedroom, unfurnished, carpets, refrigerator, stove. In private court. No pets. Adults, $130.

756-4476. FURNISHED two and three rooms. 267-3521. DELUXE two bedroom unfurnished apt. Carpeting, drapes, appliances furnished.

269-1451 A HILLCREST 267-6986. Manor, panoramic views, one and two bedrooms 888 Vermont, 756-4525. APTS. Sleeping rooms, electric heat, weekly rates. Lazy J.

COQUILLE: Two bedroom apts. 396-3009. RENT HOUSES 25 TWO bedroom tri-plex. Stove, water, garbage. Close to schools, shopping center, off street parking, redecorated.

One or two children okay. 756-3047 days, 269-9052 evenings. UNFURNISHED two bedroom. Patio and yard, no pets. 267-3437 LAKESIDE: unfurnished two bedroom duplex.

759-3477 or 759- 3348. TWO bedroom unfurnished, double carport with shop. large yard, quiet. $125, $20 cleaning. 267-4398.

COQUILLE: Two bedroom house, unfurnished. 396-3241. MOBILE home, Saunders Lake. Couple preferred, $50. 759-3220.

SMALL, two bedroom unfurnished across from Kentuck Golf Course. 756-3612 eves. THREE bedroom house in Bar. view. 269-1588 after 5:30 p.m.

TWO bedroom unfurnished, $90. Near Englewood school. 756- 6223. NEW three bedroom duplex. Carpeted, ceiling heat, appliances, drapes, 888-3281.

Classified Ads are your guide to the best bargains in the Bay, Area.

The World from Coos Bay, Oregon (2024)


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Author: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Author information

Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-03-23

Address: 74183 Thomas Course, Port Micheal, OK 55446-1529

Phone: +13408645881558

Job: Global Representative

Hobby: Sailing, Vehicle restoration, Rowing, Ghost hunting, Scrapbooking, Rugby, Board sports

Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.