Indiana Gazette from Indiana, Pennsylvania (2024)

00 000 Page 16- Saturday, September 20, 1986 The Crossword ACROSS 45 Hindu deity Anewer to Previous Puzzle Teheran 47 50 Slickast 000 ONDE 0000 native 53 Sculpted EAT Sentries en waters (2 00T 000000000 12 need weds.) 00000 0.00 NOD 13 Referee 54 Asia Minor OMG DUD 14 Neither masculine feminine Untrasase 0000 nor OMG N00 15 Tint knened Shandy 6 00000 PUN 000 fabric (comp, 67 TONG M0000MOO wol) 000 CON 10 Los DOWN 0 000 00010 tum 10 Arrange in 1 Conduelve to 00 0000 OMU 0300 0000 DON 20 Adorn tee 2 3 Cosmetics Michsaimes 0000 0000 000 dime 25 daley 24 CIA 30 Noonday rest 4 Commune In predecessor 40 Estimate 24 Dosen't exist 3 deiglum Regarding (2 26 Chemical 41 1s (8p.) (cont) woo.) suffix 43 Three a 29 Female saint Racket string car of the earth's 20 Yano's kin 27 Family material laphers organ. surface 20 Western hame 30 1 Eskimo Parodied boat Ization (abbr.) 44 Move like a Flowed, 1 20 Pronoun crab Vegas 10 Remove Mamoving 31 Actress West 48 Verity Food moisture 32 American 48 La kitty 11 Look at soldiers 38 to 14 Group of 33 Japanese 49 Evit grin Edible 42 Short for Western 50 Auto fuel 17 Close relative 34 Border of 51 Soak flax Solomon allies shoot 43 Single thing 44 Hissing 21 Tipping woven fabric 52 Compass sound 23 Dietrans 38 New (pref.) point 10 15 16 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 35 36 37 38 39 40 43 45 50 51 52 53 55 56 57 0310 (c) 01986 by NEA. Inc. 20 STEREO 062 Trumpet Used, 7 yrs. old, good condition.

Phone 459-6671. BUNDY 1980 model trumpet, good condition, $175. 354-2428. CONN Organ Console, 261 note keyboard, 25 note pedalboard, 2 yrs. old.

Ph. 349-8895. UPRIGHT Piano Excellent condition, $200. Phone 254-9602. GET action with classified ads.

PETS SUPPLIES 065 FOR Sale Beagle pups, 6 weeks old. Ph. 349-8814. FREE To Good Home 4 year old part Collie Phone 354-3101 between 9 and 4. FREE To Good Home Registered Bassett Hound or Registered Siberian Husky.

Phone 397-8940 FREE 3 longhaired kittens, female calico, male orange male gray tiger. Ph. 479-3133 after 6. FREE 3 long haired kittens, 7 weeks old, litter trained. Ph.

479-3173. HI! My nome is Misty and I'm looking for a hame that has kids that like to play ball. I am a friendly, energetic, 9 month old, female Sheepdog mix; a big outdoor dog. if you need a pal, call 479-8425. MALE, full-blooded Beagle, years old, chasing.

550. Phone 814-948-9197. NEEDS adopted! Year-old small mix female dog. Phone 459-9114. OLD English Sheep Dog Pups AKC Champion lines, beautiful pets.

Ph. 459-8916. ONE female co*cker Spaniel, buff color; also, 1. male Husky pup. Phone 465-0748.

ONE Walker female, squirrel dog; 1 mole 4 years old. Ph. 463-0383 or 349-6955. REGISTERED Walker yrs. old, female, $50.

Phone 459-6671. VERY lovable, playful puppies looking for good homes. Phone 254-2011. WANTED Home for abused kitten, long hair, buff colored femole, blue eyes. Very healthy now.

Ph. Indiana Co. Humane Society, 465-7387. WEST HIGHLAND White Terrier pups AKC Champion lines, $450. -Ph.

354-3468. PETS SUPPLIES 065 ADOPT a mixed breed pet for their unique appearances and friendly loving persanality. Tiffany Lob mix puppy. and Sunshine Terrier mixes, Buddy neutered mixed breed, Misty blue eyed Sheepdog mix, Bonnie Husky Wolf pup. We also have many litter trained kittens.

Four Footed Friends, 349-1144. AKC co*cker pups, 1 male, 2 females. Phone 814- 849-5984. ANDERSON'S Kennels Fall Special, Sept. 22-27.

Ten percent savings on pet supplies, also free flea dip with grooming, or off grooming; whichever you prefer. Phone 349-0311. BEAGLE Phone 465-2406. BLONDE Terrier male, affectionate and very cute! Phone 479-9888 or 349-1144. BRITTANY Male, 10 months.

Phone 727-3277. CAT and dog grooming, Mon. through Sat, morning and Tues. evening hours. Limited pick up area.

Linda's Pampered Pooch Parlor, Phone 349-1566. CONNIE Winter's Kennels Obedience Class starts Sept. 22 at 7 p.m. Boarding, grooming, training, and pel supplies for your pet. Advanced obedience class starts soon.

Call for more information, 465-6120, 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Monday thru Saturday. SPORTS EQUIPMENT 067 A PORTABLE Spa $999.00 complete. Order factory direct. Filter, pump, heater, jets, skirting. Plug it in and relax, many other models.

Financing. Call collect 24 hours, 412-731-3796. COMPOUND Bow Jennings Aerostar, draw length 28- 32, 50-65 lb. pull, quiver and sights, $175 or best offer. Phone 479-9505.

SAVE on Spring Pool Cleanup! WEAVER'S SPA AND POOL SALES has winterizing chemical kits for all types of pools. Winter cavers at afford. able prices, many in stock or we'll order. what you need! Phone 463-SWIM. WANTED Winchester Model 70 Featherweight, prefer pre '64.

Phone 349-0788. WHITE Toil Compound Bow adjustable pole, quiver, sights, arrows. $120. Ph. 254-9729.

WALT DISNEY WORLD EPCOT OCTOBER 26-NOVEMBER 1 ADULT '375 CHILD $250 DECEMBER 26-31 ADULT '279 CHILD $169 Possible Indiana Pickup FULLINGTON TOURS FOR RESERVATIONS CALL: 483-0213 or Toll Free 1-800-252-3893 1. 1. 1. 1. 1.

1. 1. 1 1. APTS. FURNISHED 090 A girl needed immediately to fill 5 girl apartment.

Single bedroom. Cheap rent, Neor campus and Giant Eagle. Ph. 349-2128. BLAIRSVILLE Two third floor apartments, heat furnished, sultable for 1 person, security deposit required.

Ph 459-7160 COUNTRY living, minutes west of Indiana. Large, new roam apartment place, parily furnished, single working couple, preferred, not suitable children. All. utilities included. Kennel avail.

able. $300 per month, leasa plus security. Phone 783-7676 after 7 p.m. HOMER City 1 bedroom no pelt, security deposit, Ph. 479-3217.

INTOWN studio apartment, over garage, off street parking, very nice, $215 plus electric. Ph. 463-0793. OAKLAND and Rooney Halls Renting for Fall 1986 and Summer, Phone 465-2743 568-3677. ONE bedroom, nicely furnished, on quiet Indiana street.

No pets, no lease, references required. Phone 349-2234 or 349-5645. SPACIOUS 4 room apartment suitable for 1-2 persons. No students. Near center of town.

Phone 349-2010. THREE rooms bath, heat furnished, Shelocta area, clean, no children or pets. Ph. 354-3680. TWO and three rooms, utilities Inquire 533 Water Street, Indiana.

TWO bedroom apartment, one mile north of Indiana, $250 per month plus electric, security deposit required. No dren or pets. Ph. 465-8253 or 465-4293. TWO 3 room apartments, in Clymer, furnished, includes utilities Ph.

254-4239, after 5. ULTRA-Modern 1 bedroom furnished, and 2 bedroom unfurnished apartments at $275 'per month at Sherwood Terrace near Blairsville. Utilities not included. Security deposit and I references. No pets.

Ph. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. APTS. UNFURNISHED 091 Rentals ARMAGH Route 22: Efficiency.

Modern, private, utilities included, $215 month. Phone 412-676-4758. AVAILABLE Oct. 1 Unfurnished 4 rooms and bath, first floor, private porking, $280 per month plus gas and electric. One year lease, security, deposit.

Married couples only. No pets. By appointment. 30 S. 12th Indiana.

Phone 479-3212. BLAIRSVILLE Clean 2nd floor, 3 room, private entrance, utilities included except electric. Ph. 459-9385. BLAIRSVILLE 2 bedroom, adults preferred, no pets or children.

includes waler and sewage. Phone 459-6736. DELUXE bedroom, living room, kitchen and bath. Fully carpeted, $245 plus electric. Phone 463-8533.

FOUR rooms and bath located in Plumville, available now, no pets. Phone 397-8835. FOUR rooms and both, stove and refrigerator furnished. Phone 463-0042. FOUR rooms bath, downtown Indiana, students accepted.

Phone 463-3865. FOUR Rooms In Clymer, unfurnished, includes utilities. Ph. 254-4239 after 6. HOMER City Area One bedroom apartment, refrigerator and range furnished, lease, security deposit.

Not suitable for children or pets. Phone 479-3025. IDEAL for newly married couple, 1 bedroom apartment out of town. Ph. 459-9618.

INDIANA Nice 2 bedroom, refrigerator and stove. No pets. Phone 465-7062. INDIANA One bedroom, $285 plus electric, two bedroom, $350 plus electric. All appliances, recently remodeled.

Convenient intown locotion. Phone 465-5653. INDIANA'5 Finest Apartment Living! WESTGATE TERRACE HAMPTON COURT. Efficiencies, 2, 3, bedroom; per Appliances, corpet, air pool, tennis court, picnic areas, party room. Some units include heat.

Office 1895 Warren Road. Ph. 463-0480, Mon. thru Fri. 9 a.m.-5 p.m.

Other hours by appointment. PLEASE let your businessmon know you read his ad in The Classifieds. JOSEPHINE 1 and 2 bed. room aportments, kitchen appliances furnished, no pets, references, security deposit. Phone 248-7122 between ond 4:30, LAUREL Aporiments accepting applications for a 2 bed.

room apartment, All utilities furnished except electric. Heated with gas. Phone 465-5914 after'5, TWO bedroom, living, dining room, kitchen, basem*nt, garage, near town schools, married couples only. Avail. able October Ph 465-2410.

Gazette SPORTS EQUIPMENT 067 NEW and used guns a big selection to chose from. Phone 463-0065. POOL Table, 1" slate top, excellent condition. For more Information call 349-3452 RON'S Guns and Ammo. Over 9 Years In Business! Buy, Sell or Trade.

Ph. 726-5140. MISCELLANEOUS 049 BATTERIES Mine battery, sales repair. Industrial battery, battery sales sales. repair.

W. Truck, Enterprises. Ph. 412-463-7672 BEAUTIFUL king elze waterbed, must sell, twin size bed, complete, fireplace equipment. Ph.

465-9002. CHEST freezer 25 cu. ft, $125, 36" avocado gas range with hood, $150, gas dryer, $150, 3 sweepers, $25 each; porch window Inge, various sizes, cheap; Hammond organ with tope, needs repair. Ph. 459-9778.

CHEVY 1968 dump, 66,000 miles, asking $1400. Chevy 1971, comper; new steel belted tires; refrigerator, control, rust, new battery. Phone 814-948-8177. COUCH and loveseat, excellant condition, $300, Sears best insulated fireplace door, $100. Ph.

479-8246. CUSTOM Made Emblems. Any size, design, color. Mini-. mum 12.

Army Navy Store, Latrobe. Ph. 412-537-3861. ELECTRIC hot water tank, $75, water storage tank, $20; assorted double wood windows, After 5 p.m., Ph. 459-9570.

EXERCISE bike, $75. Phone 463-9297. FISHER WOODBURNER'S CLEARANCE SALE Few remaining Fisher woodburners, (1) U.S. stove works plus complete tine of woodburning ries pipe, elbows, dampers, chimney brushes, point, kettles, etc. Smith Homer City, R.D, 2, Phone 479-3018 FLAT bottom trailer, 25, ball hitch, electric brakes, suitable for trees or bulk, factory made.

Ph. 412-763-3721 or 548-4664. FRONT springs, full time hub, spindle rotor for 1977 Chevy 4x4, $85. Compound bow, 50 lb. pull, Ben Perason, $35.

Craftsman chain sarw, $125. Phone 254-2032. FUEL Tank 275 gallon, Villager free standing fireplace, woodburning hydro stove (ideal addition for hot water heat). Phone 254.4410. GE Portable 19" color TV, good condition, $75.

Phone 465-5143. GREEN corner booth with white table; regulation size pool table. Phone 465-5781. JENSEN furnace, thermostat controlled, $450. Phone 459-5521.

LADIES leather coat size 11- 12, $25. Boy Scout uniform size 12, $12. 2 lawnmowers for parts, each $10. Phone 479-9602. LARGE dumpster, woodburner, chair desk, deep freeze, electric dryer, stove and other miscellaneous items.

Phone 465-5554. OPEN fireplace woodburner. Phone 459-5269. PORTABLE tree stand, 26x32, with climbers, brand new, $75. Phone 814-948-9197.

RCA Video Disc player and discs, reasonable. Phone 479-3133 after 6 p.m. SATELLITE Sale Sam's TV. Phone 349-2112. SEEBURG Juke Box 1950's; pinball machine, pop machine, sports card collection.

Ph. 349-9541. TEC 135 Cosh register, like new. Phone 397-2395 9-7 p.m. or 397-1260 after 7 p.m.

TRAILER, fully enclosed, long, 3000 lb. gross weight, $600. Phone 463-9297. TRUCK Cop for Ford Courier. Also, old waltz albums.

Phone 463-8698. WATER Conditioner system, complete, 6 years old, $150. Ph. 479-8389 after 4. WINTER Recops, Fx14, $15; new tires, Ax13, $15; summer recaps, Hx15, $20; new all season radials, 95x14, $34; used tires, summer and winter, $10.

Goral Tire Compony, Homer City, PA. Phone 479-3222. WOODBURNER. This is fireplace type, covered, with ceramic tile, $225. Exercise bike, $35.

Phone 479-3794. ARTICLES WANTED 078 WANTED Antique furniture, cupboards, tables, bedrooms, choirs, single pieces or estates. Phone 459-6976 after 5 p.m. WANTED ceramic Pink Flamingo's or Flamingo mirrors. Ph Pat, 465-9228 after 5.

WANTED Small metal engine lathe with tooling. Phone 459-7525. WANTED Small riding mower, running or not. Ph. 349-2793.

(correct number) APTS. UNFURNISHED 001 LUXURY 1 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS 1000 SQ. FT. TOWNHOUSESI Heat Included in Rent Air New Corpeting Free Refrigerators Dishwashers Laundry Mirrored Bedroom Pool Country Setting SPRING MEADOW 1 Byron Court Indiana, Pa. 15701 Ph.

349-8831 MAYSVILLE One bedroom apartment. No children or pats. Phone 697-5254. NEW One bedroom apartman! avallable immediately at Colonial Manor Apartments. No students or pelt.

For Appointmant Phone 463-9290 or 349-9581. NICE apartment for rent Marion Center area. Ph. 397-2423. ONE bedroom apartment between Homer City Indi.

ana. Cable. No pets. Lease. Security deposit.

Appointment, Phone 479-9426, 479-8198. ONE bedroom apartment, fully carpeted, kitchen fully equipped, Purchase Line School District. Security deposit required. Ph. 814-743-6941 ONE bedroom unfurnished apartment, all utilities, adults only, 1170 Wayne $225.

Ph. 465-5554. TOWNVIEW New, very quiet, nice location, 1 bedroom, large kitchen, all appliances furnished, $300 includes utilities. Ph. 349-3979.

TWO bedroom apartment in Homer City Boro. Full basem*nt. No pets, security deposit. Ph. 479-9863 BUSINESS PROPERTY 092 AVAILABLE Immediately Commercial building located center of Business district.

B400 sq. ft. plus porking lot. Rear loading doors. Front showroom.

Phone 465-2815. 750 sq. downtown location, suit. able for business. Phone 465-8646 after 5 p.m.

FARM EQUIPMENT 080 COMPACT DIESEL TRACTORS FROM WHITE FARM EQUIP. 16. 4 wheel drive, 3 cylinder diesel, $5974 21. 4 wheel drive, 3 cylinder, $6785 31 4 wheel drive, 3 cylinder, p.s., wet brakes, independent PTO, $8775 37 hp. 4 wheel drive, 4 cylinder, p.s., wet brakes, independent PTO, $10,547 HULL'S SALES SERVICE Airport Road Indiana (412)465-8889 CUB Cadet ports, service, equipment.

Gravely tractors and mowers. FREEPORT LAWN AND GARDEN, 349-9775. HAYBINES IH 990, 9 NH 469, 9 NI 290, 9 Owatonno, 9 NH 472, 7 like new, 1 year old, used twice. FORAGE HARVESTERS Papec 350 1' row corn head with hay pickup; Gehl CB400 1 row corn head with hay pickup, excellent, $2500; Ni 310 corn picker. Used combine, Gleaner 20 cornheod.

END OF SEASON CLEARANCE -ON ALL USED HAY TOOLS AND BALERS! CRYTZER EQUIPMENT, INC. 412-543-2441 IH 1066D with cab, excellent $9,000. Phone 412-783-6333. J.D. 4400 combine, diesel, bin extension, chopper, 13' platform, nica, $6950.

4000 Ford, 3 gas, flat deck, new overhaul, $3500. Ph. 814-583-5332. MOVABLE steal hay feeder, holds 6 bales, $75. Phone 349-1129.

NEW idea 323 corn picker, excellent, $2,250. Dual wheel forage wagon, Front and rear unlood, $1,150. Ph. 814-427-2758. N.I, 323 compicker, like new, $3,700.

Phone 412-783-6333. SHOP the Want Ads right from the comfort of your own home. OFFICE SPACE 093 NICE, private, spacious office space. Centrally located on Philadelphia Street, Indiana. Phone 349-2080.

PRIME Location Real borgain, high traffic area, 1 space at 2,000 1q. 1 space at 2,500 sq. ft. Price, $4.50, sq. daily Includes all utilities, janitoral services, Ing, available Immediately.

Ph. 463-3444 or 465-8331. PLEASE let your businessmon know you read his ad in The HOUSES FOR RENT 60S HOMER City Large 4 bed. room house, $275 month plus utilities. Ph.

479-9992. HOUSE for rent wood. 2 bedrooms, large basem*nt. Real nice. Stove fur.

nished. Not suitable for chile dren or pets. $225 per month. References and security deposit required. Ph.

412-726-5256. KUZNESKI AGENCY REAL ESTATE INDIANA BORO Large 4 bedroom, house excellent condition, Immediate occupancy, $550 per month plus utilities. PEOPLE ON THE MOVE 349-1924 LARGE unfurnished 3 bedroom house in rural setting, miles south of Indiana, $275 a month plus security deposit. Ph. 248-9006 after 5 p.m.

LEWISVILLE Beautiful large 2 bedroom ranch, country style kitchen, den, lots of closets, full basem*nt, $325 per month. Phone 459-7636. THREE bedroom townhouse, 820 South 2nd St. Available October 1. No students, no pets.

$385 per month plus utilities. Phone 465-8532. THREE bedroom home, Sunset Rossiter. Phone 814- 938-6045 or 938-3915. THREE Bedroom rental in Clymer, references, security deposit, $200 per month.

Phone 349-5000. ROOMS FOR RENT 098 TWO nice sleeping rooms, 10 minutes from Indiana and Shelocta. References. No students. Phone 465-7421.

Monday, Sept. 22, 1986 You could be luckier than usual in the year ahead where joint ventures are concerned. However, you must be sure that your counterpart can offer that which you lack. VIRGO (Aug, 23-Sept. A new acquaintance in whom you're interested ro-.

mantically will be very responsive to your overtures today. Let your feelings known. Major changes are ahead for Virgos in the coming year. Send for your Astro-Graph predictions today, Mall $1 to AstroGraph, ob this newspaper, P.O. Box 91428, Cleveland, OH 44101-3428.

Be sure to state your zodiac sign. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) Something of major consequence will begin stirring that- might be screened from your view. It will turn out to be beneficial for you and your loved one.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) Much of value can be accomplished today by working in close association with an ambitious and industrious partner. Select someone as strong as yourself. SAGITTARIUS (Nov.

23- Dec. 21) Matters that are important to you financially should be attended to promptly today. Quick ac-tion will fulfill your anticipation. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22- Jan.

19) In your social circle today, you will be the dominating influence. Your friends will be looking to you for direction, and you can give it to them. MOBILE HOMES 099 BLAIRSVILLE 14x60, private, in-town, 2 bedroom, Ph.459-8611. GET action with classified ads. LAWN-FARM GARDEN CENTER FARM EQUIPMENT 050 WE HAVE GOOD USED EQUIPMENT! JD 4400 combine with cornhead; 6600 combine with cornhead; JD 4020 tractor; IH 1466; Hydro 1026.

New Idea Pickers, 310, TOW; 324, 12 roll bed; 311. JD 44 ft. elevator; Farmhand MANY MORE USED MACHINES IN EXCELLENT SHAPE AT REASONABLE PRICES BARRETT EQUIPMENT CO. JOHN DEERE SALES SERVICE Smicksburg, Pa. 814-257-8265 081 FULL-BLOODED Hereford bull, 2 yrs.

old, asking $600. Ph. 814-948-5760. HALF Arabian more, Palomino, 12 yrs. old, in Fool, to Bask grandson, shown successfully.

Ph. 254-2416. MORGAN Horse Weanling-Yearling Half Price Sale Show quality. Sport ability. Family dispositions.

Hidden Valley Morgons. Ph. 412-639-9228. PIGS for sale. Phone 254-9304, 254-2062, or 254-2035.

RED Carpet Catalog Registered Horse Sale (Auction) AQHA, and so horses. Saturday, Sept. 27, 12 noon, Cambria County Fair Grounds, Ebensburg, Pa. Kevin Hines, 814-886-4864, Chris Rowe, 886-4153, AA-1600-L, AA-1598-L. REGISTERED Appaloosa mare.

Phone 459-7937. GET action with classified ads. REGISTERED Quarter Horse gelding, good bloodline, 4 saddie broke, good 4H. Appaloosa more, quiet. Phone 459-5178.

SADDLE and Tack Auction Quality name brands, Friday, Sept, 26, 7 p.m. Cambria County Fair Grounds, Ebensbura, Pa. Kevin Hines, 814-886- 4864, Chris Rowe, 886- 4153, AA-1600-L, 1598-L. TWELVE Cheviot Ewes, Phone 397-8711, Astrograph AQUARIUS. (Jan.

Feb. 19) A sticky situation that you have been anxious' to resolve can be concluded to your satisfaction today. Give this matter priority over your other concerns. PISCES (Feb. 2-March 20) Instead of continuously postponing your starting date regarding venture you want to launch, get it rolling today.

This is the time for action. ARIES (March 21-April 19) Worldly situations look promising for you today. You should get the recognition, as well as the benefits, to which you're entitled. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) If there is a personal interest that you would like to advance, this is the right day to assert yourself. Have a definite blueprint in mind.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20) Give expression to your Intuitive urges today If they direct you to make specific alterations in your commercial affairs. Changes should work CANCER (June 21-July 22) An enterprising friend could be of great help to -you today on a new project you're developing. He's a guy who can get things done. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) Initiative, coupled with the proper degree of boldness, are the elements that can bring you success today in your chosen field of endeavor.

(Newspaper Enterprise NOTE: These astrological forecasts should be read for entertainment only. Such predictions have no reliable basis in scientific fact. The Gazette MOBILE HOMES CENTER Twp. 3 bedroom mobile home, $300 per month. Heat water included.

Phone 479-3794. FARM PRODUCTS 082 APPLES Clean and beautiful. You chose and pick. Red Delicious, Cortland, Northern Spy. Phone Rome Beauty.

Sam Dible Nursery 10 miles southwest of Indiana by 422 at Parkwood Road on Rt. 56. Closed Wed. 5 p.m. All day Sun.

Ph. 726-5377. what APPLES Cortland, Mcintosh, Red and Yellow Delicious, you choose and pick. Sam Dible Nursery, 10 miles south west of Indiana, 422 west at Parkwood Rd. on Rt.

56. Closed Wednesday 5 p.m. and all day Sunday. Phone 726-5377. APPLES Sleepy Hollow Orchard.

Pick your own Red and Yellow Delicious beginning Sept. 20. Open daily 10-6 p.m., Sunday 2-6 p.m. Bring containers. Quality and flavor that can't be beat.

Phone 463-0753. BEEF Black Angus freezer beef. Tenderjuicy Chemical free. Ph. 697-4930.

CIDER $1.50 per Bring Container. Ph. 479-8910. CLOVER seed, $45; Timoseed, $17; old oats, clover hay or timothy, $1. Russell Craig near West Lebonon.

Ph 726-5789 CONCORD Grapes lb. Phone 349-3464. CORN and cats for sale. Phone 814-948-8518. CORN 20 acres for sale.

Phone 459-6379. HAY Second cutting, $1.25 per bale. Phone 459-6379. LAST Week for you pick tomatoes and peppers. Lost day for picking is Sept.

20. You must bring your own containers. a.m, to 7 p.m. and Sat. 9 a.m.

to 5 p.m. Yarnick's Farm 349-3904. McINTOSH Apples $4 we pick. Chestnuts, lb. Foreman's Orchard, Black Lick (Palmertown), 248-3829.

PICK Your own Jonathan, Cortland, Sweet Russel, Red and Golden Delicious, McIntosh apples. $6.50 per bushel, Bring containers. Open Fri. after 4 p.m. All day Weds.

and weekends. Kidd's Orchard, Hillsdale. Ph. 254-2640. FARM PRODUCTS 082 POTATOES 50 lb.

bag, Overdorff Farms, Brush Valley. Open 2-5, Phone 479-2762. WALNUT tree for 412-337-3724. TODAY'S best buys are 'in the Classified section. Find what you're looking for.

TOOLS 083 GRAVELY tiller attachment, $225. Phone JOHN Deere 16 h.p. lawn tractor, with mower, snow blade, rototiller and wagon. Only 1 year old, $4000. Ph.

814-938-7881. MULCHER, leaf brush, 5 portable, takes material, $350. Phone 463-9297. SIMPLICITY 11 horsepower, 44" mower deck, wheel weights, chain, snow blade. $1,000.

Agway 5 horsepower, front tiller, $200. Phone 814-446-5053. PLANTS SEEDS 084 CERTIFIED SEED BARLEY: Post, per bushel. WHEAT: Tyler, Scotty, Ti1an, $5.95 per bushel W.C. CRYTZER EQUIPMENT, INC.

412-543-2441 CHRISTMAS Trees 700. Blue Spruce and Scotch Pine on stump. You cut. Ph. 463-9373.

HEMLOCKS for hedges, 3- 4 ft. 'You 'dig. $5.00. Phone 254-4202. FRM.

NEEDS WANTED si LIVESTOCK D. W. Patterson. Phone 463-8971 or 463-3366. WANTED Chrisimas trees.

50 to 500, Scotch, White, Austrian Pine, Colorado' White, Norway Spruce, Straight or mixed. Ph. 412-731-9691. WANTED Christmas 6:10 10-500 or will; buy whole field, Blue Spruce, will do own cutting. Collect, 412-785-9440.

WANTED Hay and straw. Call 412-438-4260. WANTED. 3 point sickle bar mowing machine, Phone 459-9588..

Indiana Gazette from Indiana, Pennsylvania (2024)


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Author: Dong Thiel

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Name: Dong Thiel

Birthday: 2001-07-14

Address: 2865 Kasha Unions, West Corrinne, AK 05708-1071

Phone: +3512198379449

Job: Design Planner

Hobby: Graffiti, Foreign language learning, Gambling, Metalworking, Rowing, Sculling, Sewing

Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.