Cheerleading Cheers, Chants, and Yells for Cheerleaders (2024)

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Cheers, Chants, and Yells Submitted by Cheerleaders

Looking for cheers and yells to pump up the crowd at your next game or event? Here's our newest collection of cheers, chants, and yells for cheerleaders. If you have a favorite cheer you haven't seen listed, send it in.

More New Cheers

Submitted by: Jax

We're fired up,
We're sizzling,
We're turning up the heat.
The Leicester Spencer Raiders (Your Team Name) (clap,clap,clap)
Can't be beat!

Submitted by: Myllie J

We've got that pride,
We've got that spirit.
So, whoo, let's hear it,
So, whoo, let's hear it.
So, wave your hands,
Scream your mouth,
Come on, fans,
Shout, shout, shout Wildcats!

Submitted by: Nia

Rhoads (clap, clap), Cowboys (clap, clap)
Green, black and white.
You think you can beat us? (clap, clap)
Yeah, right! (team spirit).

Submitted by: Arie

Fans (point to them)
Go crazy (toss your head around)
Get up, get up, be loud (clap clap)
Get up, get up, be loud! (clap, clap)
(repeat as many times as you want)

Submitted by: Cheergirl

Boom, dynamo, ba ba ba
Boom, dynamo, hold up, wait a minute
Let's put some spirit in it!

Submitted by: Jan

We've accepted the challenge,
of becoming the best.
We're number one, we're mighty proud
We're on a victory quest.
We've got pride and spirit.
Tech is the name.
We're on the move and out to prove,
We're gonna win this game!

Submitted by: Sarah

Pump, pump, pump it up - (yells the captain)
Pump, pump, pump it - (yells everyone else)
Pump that Bobcat spirit up (captain)
Pump that Bobcat spirit up(everyone)
Get, get, get it up (captain)
Get, get, get it up (everyone)
Get that Bobcat spirit up (captain)
Get that bobcat spirit up (everyone)
Now, now , now it's up (captain)
Now, now, now it's up (everyone)
Now, that Bobcat spirit's up (captain)
Now, that Bobcat spirit's up (everyone)
So keep, keep, keep it up (captain)
So keep, keep, keep it up (everyone)
Keep that Bobcat spirit up (captain)
Keep that Bobcat spirit up(everyone)

Submitted by: Brianna

We've got the rhythm,
Our fans got the beat,
So, come on *your team's name*
Let's Defeat!

Submitted by: Holly

1, we are the Tigers
2, sing a little bit louder
3, we still can't hear ya,
More, more, more, more!

Submitted by: Alisha

1, 2, 3, 4, Who's the one that makes the score
5, 6, 7, 8, Blue, Blue
1, 2, 3, 4, Blues the team that makes the score
5, 6, 7, 8, C'mon Blue, you're doing great!
Gooo Blue!

Submitted by: Erica

Let's get physical,
Get down, get tough, get mean!
Let's get physical,
and roll right over that team!

Submitted by: Zuri

I'm a Cougar from Cougar town
and only a Cougar can knock me down
If you don't like my apples,
don't shake my tree
'cause I'm a Cougar
Don't mess with me!

Submitted by: Baby boy

Yell for the (name of your team)
We can't be beat
So watch out (your opponent)
We'll knock you off your feet!

Submitted by: Victoria

Sit in the car
Press on the gas
Move aside
Let the Panthers (your team) pass! repeat x3

Submitted by: Charlotte

Touch down boys, one more time!
Over the line
Over the line
Touch down boys, one more time! Repeat 3 Times

Submitted by: Ashley

Shake, shake, shake
What you got
Everyone yell -
Maroon, gray, and white
Repeat 1x
Come on (your team) let's get ready to fight!

Submitted by: Korbyn

You might be good at basketball
You might be good at track,
but when it comes to football
You might as well step back
you might as well step back!

Submitted by: Jordan

We're number 1, not 2, not 3 not 4
We're gonna win, not lose, not tie the score
We're on the top, not bottom, not in between
We're the Jaguar girls and we're really mean!

Get Ready!

Hey, hey are ya ready? Are ya ready?
To strut your stuff (PAUSE)
Hey, hey are ya ready? Are ya Ready?
To get fired up

The ________ are dynamite, Don't mess with dynamite!
Cause if you mess with dynamite it goes
Tick, tick, tick, tick,
Boom dynamite!
Boom, boom dynamite!

Submitted by: AFCHEER16

We Got It!

Awesome, oh wow!
Like totally freak me out, I mean right on!
The_______ sure are number one!

Peanut butter,
Reese's cup!
You mess with us!
We'll kick your butt!
Our hands are high!
Our feet are low!
and that's the way the seniors go!
(pause, pause)
We got it!
We got it!

Submitted by: Nichole

We Got Spirit!

We've got spirit, yes we do!
We've got spirit, how 'bout you?
1-2-3-4 we've got more than you can score
5-6-7-8 we've got more than you can take
9-10-11-12 we've got more than you can spell

Hey, hi, howdy, Warriors get rowdy!!
Hey, hi, ho, Warriors let's go!!

Submitted by: MEGANRUNYAN

Half/Quarter-time Cheer

Panther fans up in the stands yell goooooo Panthers (repeat)!
Panther fans up in the stand yell beat those Tigers (repeat)!
(clap and chant) One more time show your spirit fans, let's hear it,
Goooo Panthersbeat those Tigers!

Hold that line, Panthers, hold that line!

Take it away XX take it away XX take that ball away XX!

Rebound that basketball XXXXX XX Panthers have got it all XXXXX XX!

T-A-K-E take that ball away XX

Panthers are #1, straight to the top.
We are the best. Panthers fight non-stop.
Let's go, let's fight, we're here to win all right.
You are looking at the best, yes! CFHS

Go fight win Panthers, go fightto win!

Go, go panthers go XXX!!
Fight fight fight Panthers fight XXX!
Win, win panthers win XXX!
Go fight win CFH (repeat)!

Hey, hey. it's time to fight.
Everybody yell: burgundy and white!
Yell it burgundy and white!
Hey hey let's do it again,
Everybody yell gofight to win!
Yell it, go fight to win!

Let's get physical, get rough, get tough, get mean,
Let's get physical and roll right over that team! (repeat)

Panthers let's do it, don't let it fall,
We've got that spirit ya! We want it all!

Hey go Panthers, Hey beat Tigers

We are the Panthers 'n we live in a hut.
'N if u don't believe us, then watch us shake our butt,
Uh sha bang bang, uh sha wana wana,
Uh sha bang bang, uh sha wana wana!

H-O-T-T-O-G-O Panther team is hot to go,
Say whop hot to go, say whop hot to go!

G-O let's go Panthers G-O lets go

Submitted by: CHEERCF

Cheerleading Chants

Aww shucks hey now, Panthers gettin' down,
We got pride, jump back,
Show us where it's at,
Cause when it comes to winning, it's second to none,
Cause we know that you know that we are number 1!

S-C XX O-R-E XX score score 6 (or 2) more!

H-O XX L-D hold 'em hold 'em. big D (def'ense)!

Hey you Panther fans,
Stand up and clap your hands
Say go Panther go, go Panther go!
Hey u Panther fans, now let's see you wave your hands,
Say go Panthers go, go Panthers go!
Go Panthers go, go panthers go!

Go, G-O Panther (pause) lets (pause) go!

S-U-C-C-E-S-S (stomp clap) (repeat)
That's the way we spell success!

Even More Favorite Cheers and Yells

Submitted by: LIZBETH401

Go, go, flames, go!
W - I - N,
Go, Fight, win!
W - I - N,
Go, Fight, win!

Submitted by: SAMMYGRL69

Don't mess, don't mess,
Don't mess with the best
Cuz the best don't mess
Don't fool, don't fool,
Don't fool with the cool
Cuz the cool don't fool
(Team Mascot) we rule!

Submitted by: CHEERCHICK24

Ready. Set
Hey let's hear it cheer for the win
Gotta get it
Gotta get the win (clap, clap) Gotta get the win (clap, clap)
Let's go big blue and white
Go big white and blue
Dribble, pass, shoot for two
Lancers lets fire up to win
(when you're saying the last line you do a mount)

Lancers (clap. clap)
Move it (clap, clap)
Lets score (clap, clap)
Two more (clap, clap)

Let's get fired up
(Stomp, stomp)

Submitted by: GEM2002

From the East,
To the West,
The Hornets are the best.
We're gonna B-E-A-T beat 'em,
B-U-S-T bust 'em,
Beat 'em, Bust 'em
That's our custom,
We are gonna readjust 'em.

Be aggressive
B-E aggressive

Hornets want a takedown,
Hornets wanna win

Submitted by: CHEERGIRL05

Hurricanes are here
Let's make it clear
Step aside for the best
Cause this is our year

Let's go Canes Lets score
Let's go Canes Lets score

Submitted by: CHEER4LIFE69

Redskins our name
and footballs our game
We're one of a kind
With the win on our mind
double step
(repeat 2 x)

Submitted by: CHEERGAL21

Your team's name is in the house and if ya don't get ready
we`re gonna kick you out
(repeat once)

We`re declaring civil war
Watch as we demonstrate

Submitted by: SPRTLEADER1

Hey, hey
Yell go big green
Go big green (pause)
KHS is here to stay
We don't play

Kaiser (pause) Cats
Are headed to the top(pause)
We're K-A-I-S-E-R
Kaiser (pause) best by far

Cheerleading Cheers, Chants, and Yells for Cheerleaders (2024)


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Author: Carlyn Walter

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Author information

Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

Phone: +8501809515404

Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.